Gina Bee Narcissistic Trauma Informed Financial Coach

Helping women during divorce to independence through a trauma informed lens to not only survive but financially thrive!

Statistically divorce is one of the top three most stressful events in life.

The impact this has on your mental health and nervous system is huge and you probably experienced financial abuse too. It seems to go with being in an abusive relationship.  The abuse is so insidious that you hardly notice it at first.

Have you experienced the following?

  • Your ex withholding money?
  • Do they make all the financial decisions without even consulting you?
  • Do you have your own bank account or just a joint account where all your money goes into?
  • Do you have a job and your whole salary goes into a joint account?
  • Do they make all the decisions regarding investments, savings etc?
  • Do you have anything in your sole name?

If not,  you’re definitely being financially abused though you may not even realise this.  It’s only when you look back that the process is so slow and over time they have total control with the finances!   Also, there are many unanswered questions because you wonder whether you’re doing the right thing at first.  You may feel you’re just existing and are exhausted with this and eventually you come to a point where you have just had enough.

My ex-husband was always away with work and made that an excuse for not helping out more when I questioned it. I later realised it was all excuses to get out of what he didn’t want to do.

To get to that point where you are starting to feel divorce is the only option, you would have gone through many emotions.

You may have tried everything to make the marriage work, maybe stayed for the children to make a stable upbringing and not come from a broken home.

You may have had some therapy along the way wanting to fix the situation in your relationship.

You have now arrived at the stage of divorce because you feel so stuck and unhappy.

Your children may be about to leave home or at university and you realise that this situation isn’t going to get any better.

Your children are leading their own life, you have decided to lead yours too and move on.

You ask yourself all sorts of questions:

  • Where will I live?
  • Will I have enough money?
  • What will happen to the children?
  • Will my family support me?
  • How will this affect my standard of living?

Have a look at my Divorce reset retreats at Torcliffe and really assess what you want to achieve in your life and where you are headed. You can stay for 2 or 3 nights and leave with a plan to move you forward. Mapping out a plan will give you the confidence to put it into action. I really wished there was something like this when I was going through the worst time. When you change the environment then everything changes.

I can really relate to how you feel as I went through all this too.

Meet Your Narcissistic Trauma Informed Financial Coach, Gina Blundell

I help women, like you who are transitioning through divorce and feel trapped and stuck in their marriage as they cannot see a way forward.  I do this by showing you how to take the first steps to an empowered life so that you can thrive independently both emotionally and financially by letting go of the past and taking control by thriving in the next chapter of your lives!

I met Chris on holiday in the August of 1987, 35 years ago at the time of writing. I was on holiday with friends, and he was on holiday with his friends.

At the time he was living in Newbury in Berkshire, and I was living in Leigh-on-Sea in Essex. The relationship moved very quickly; it was like a whirlwind. When I look back, I was vulnerable and could see that perhaps things were going really quickly, but I just seemed to get caught up with it all.

  Read My Full Personal Story Here

Trauma-Informed Coaching Services to support you on your journey through divorce

Thrive Independently
Online Programme

Transitioning Top-up


Don’t Face the Journey Alone!

Choose the programme that’s right for you

Please call me

07710 498 606


My Mission

My mission is to help women who are going through divorce or separation process what they are going through. I come from a place of honesty and put myself in your shoes as much as possible. Taking you from a place of feeling stuck to coming unstuck and moving presently forward each day with whatever you are dealing with. I am an Accredited and Certified qualified Narcisstic Trauma Informed and a Certified Financial coach helping women to navigate their way through the process of divorce.

‘I came to Gina as I had been through an acrimonious divorce, and I was still believing that I was not progressing with my life moving forward. I saw Gina and I felt much better, she saw that I was dysregulated as I was really agitated. I was shown some grounding techniques, we did some breath work and after that I was able to explain exactly how I was feeling. Gina spoke to me in a way that made me feel calm and connected after only one session.’      SG – ‘22                        

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